Q Magazine Front Cover
The Title:
The title for Q Magazine is done in bold clear white writing that has a red background. Having the ‘Q’ against the red square really make it stand out also draws your eyes straight toward it when looking at the magazine. When doing my own magazine I will defiantly consider doing something like this. However I wouldn’t use the colours that they picked but have colours that would give the same effect as there’s.
Mis-en-scene of the images:
The people on the cover are dressed very smart but at the same time up-to-date with fashion. They are also well non-music artist that people buying this magazine would now. The lighting going onto them is key lighting round their faces. Having this lighting make them stand out and also shows all the detail on their faces.
Their clothes are very appropriate for the kind of people they are and also there music. For example, Kylie Minogue is wearing a very girly dress with her curly blond hair coming down her dress. This is both feminine and glamorous look which fit her personality perfectly, also with the red lips that give a contrast against the black and white dress.
Having Kylie standing next to one of the singers from Muse is a binary opposition because of how different they are dressed for example, the singer from Muse is wearing a black leather Jacket however Kylie is in a beautiful black and white dress. Also the main contrast is how different there music is and also the change in target market they are aiming for.
The music artists on the front cover are very
suited for the kind of people that are going to be reading this magazine. The
target market for Q is for the older generation so instead of being amid at
teenagers and young adults they go for people in the ages of 25 plus and of
both genders. With the magazine being amid at slightly older people means that
they can charge more for their magazine, this is because there target market
will be in full time work. When doing my own magazine will not be aiming at the
same target market as Q mine will be for teenagers. This in mind I will not
take a lot of inspiration from what I see in Q and their stories, however the
lay out I will take a lot of inspiration from. Music Genre:
Q magazine has all different kinds of music this means that it appeals to a broad range of people. However they do amid toward the more pop/rock side of music. When doing my own magazine I would take some aspects of this like the pop side but apart from that I wouldn’t. I don’t really want mine to be a broad range of music I would like to focus mine on pop and dance music, also new and upcoming music artists.
The lay out of the front cover is with 6 cover stars in the centre of the page against a white background that could have been taken at a studio. With each cover star doing something different for example, posing this makes the front cover more interesting than them all just looking the same way or doing the same thing.
Through all the Q magazines there is a house style, they have a theme of red and white. Having this style makes the readers know exactly what they are going to look for every month. What I like about Q layout is how they have the quotes at the bottom of the front cover that are parts of interesting stories this I would take inspiration from and do in my m
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