Thursday, 14 February 2013

Photo Ideas and Edits For Music Magazine Front Cover (Black and White) Photo 5

The Original Photo and The Edited Copy:
For this photo I changed the colouring so it was in black and white but also made it a lot brighter by increasing the light going on the photo as well with making the contrast a lot stronger. I also flipped the image from the left side to the right side this was because when starting to design my magazine front cover her hair was getting covered by the masthead and if I had put the masthead on the right side instead of the left side it would of not followed any of my research of magazines I had done. 
What I don't like about this edit is how the brightness is so strong that you cant really see her face, and since she is a new and up coming artist in my magazine you need to be able to see her face or people will not know who she is. However I do really like her hair and how it has the contrast between the black and white, also how at her roots it a very definitive black but as it goes out it goes to white. 
I will probably not use this photo in my magazine because of the fact you cant see her face, if she was not a up and coming artist and people know who she was then yes maybe you could use this image but for a new artist it doesn't show her as much as it needs too. 
I have learnt from doing this to make sure that the brightness is not to high so you can see more of the image. 

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