Tuesday, 8 January 2013

NME Magazine Content Page:

NME Magazine Content Page:
The Title:
It is fair to say that the title is very clear on NME contents page. One thing you can tell from the title is that NME is a weekly magazine; you can tell this from where it said ‘Inside This Week.’ Having it as a weekly magazine makes it a big contender to magazine like Q who are monthly. This is because where NME have the newest music and gigs weekly, Q have to do all of that for the whole month.
Another clear title is ‘My band and girlfriend are going to kill me’ this title is not as bold and in capitals like the masthead is but however it is a contrast to it masthead in the way it is done. This is because it all done in italics and the font is very fancy. I also found that is catches your eye a lot more than the masthead this could be for it being in the centre of the page so it the first thing you look at, however it could also be because of what it said that makes you just want to look and read, although it could stand out to you because the font that it is done in, it is so different to the others on the page that you just automatically look straight at it.
When doing my own magazine I want to use fonts and titles that stand out to the reader because I feel it will make the content page more interesting for them to read and look at.

The mis-en-scene on the content page is spread over 7 different images but in each photo they have brought their personality out. For example, Keith Lemon make up is very over the top in making him looked tanned but ended up going orange, however that is how the public know him to look like. On the other hand lighting would of really inhands this as well making him look even more over the top.
There is also a picture of Keith Richards who was the cover star on the front page. The picture has him bend down to the audients, wearing some colour clashing clothing. Having him on the front cover and having pictures of him on the contents page, you get the impression that there must be quite a big story about him.
The different photographs were all clearly taken in different locations. The image of Paul Weller with the blue background was clearly taken in a studio compared to Kevin Curran who is running down the street naked. This photo would have just been taken as it was happening unlike the other photo that would have been staged.

The content page has a range of different people from band members, old rockstars to TV presenters. Doing this would give diversity to the different ages that read this magazine and also to the people that read it.
NME have hit their target audients with this contents page because it very clear that 16-19 year olds would enjoy reading and looking at this page. However even though they amid for both genders, being a girl and reading this it does feel that it for guys more than girls. This is mainly because of the pictures they have included they are all of males apart from one, and also the stories they have used may not interest a lot of girls.
When doing my own contents page I want to make sure it relates to both genders and my target market. To do this I will use pictures and stories that interest both genders. 
Written Content:
The writing on the content page has been done by little quotes that artists have said in an interview, using unique and quirky quotes like this is a really good way to get the readers attention. 
It is something that really inspired me when doing my own magazine.

Music Genre:
You get the impression that there loads of different genre of music in this edition of NME. This is because you have old rockstars to young band members all on the same page.
When doing my own magazine I will aim for younger singers and bands because that relates to my target market.

The layout includes 7 different pictures that almost go in columns down the page with large numbers on the pictures. I really like how they have overlaid the numbers onto the photos. It is a really cool and smart way to let the readers know what page number each story is on. The house style has been used again on the content page, with the black writing but with the reds and oranges being brought in. This was a really imaginative way to use their house style without making it over the top. NME have also added a column of ‘plus,’ this is all the other cool things they have also included in this edition of the magazine.
When designing my own content page I intend to have a similar layout to NME with my own twist to it.

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