Q Magazine Content
The Title:
The title saying contents goes straight across the center of the page double page spread. The title is done in bold white writing that relates to the house style of the magazine but also takes up most of the magazine. Having the title like this makes the reader know exactly what is going on also what the page is about. The way Q have put the music artist behind the title is a very smart idea because it makes the page more interesting and also relate to what the magazine is about plus interesing to it target audience of this magazine.
The title saying contents goes straight across the center of the page double page spread. The title is done in bold white writing that relates to the house style of the magazine but also takes up most of the magazine. Having the title like this makes the reader know exactly what is going on also what the page is about. The way Q have put the music artist behind the title is a very smart idea because it makes the page more interesting and also relate to what the magazine is about plus interesing to it target audience of this magazine.
When designing my own contents page for my magazine I will defiantly take
inspiration from the way Q have done there’s. This is because it not like a
normal contents page, they have double page there and used bold clear writing
along with interesting picture.
The mis-en-scene in the main picture across the center of the page is
shows quite clearly there make up and what they are wearing. The make up that
each artist is wearing really brings out there features and just covers any
parts that don’t want to be seen also being enhances by the lighting. Key lighting
onto their faces makes them stand out against the white wall behind them.
However this lighting is not just on there faces, you see this on the women
artist Emeli Sande she has some light coming down from her face onto her
clothing and hand. Having these little touches of light coming down makes the
image balance so all the light doesn’t just go onto there faces.
What the artist are wearing really relate to them and there personality.
You can really see this in Al Murray and what he is wearing. The clothing
relates to his popular comedy show that he used to do and that people know and
love him form. His clothing has become quite iconic to his show and also himself, there
for to see him on TV or in a magazine not wearing these clothes just seems
slightly odd.
This is also portrayed in Emeli Sande and in what she is wearing, this is because
you get the impression she is a girly girl but with a slight modern twist which
is shown in this picture of her. The skirt and jumper she is wearing is very
flattering to her and something that you would think and defiantly see her
The photo was probably taking place in a studio to make sure that they
got the best picture they possibly could. Also so they could have the white backdrop,
having the white backdrop make the artist stand out and really sets of the
The content page is really amid for the kind of people that will be reading this magazine, this is because of the different kinds of artist that they have used and included. Even though you have the large main photo with well know celebrates you also have the Q Reviews that include an image of Ke$ha. Having a young well know American on the content page compared to the other artist British artist really shows how Q have such a broad range of music in there magazine and that they are not just going for one type of music. Having this means they appeals to loads of different kinds of people, this I would love to use in my magazine as well, so not just have one genre.
The content page is really amid for the kind of people that will be reading this magazine, this is because of the different kinds of artist that they have used and included. Even though you have the large main photo with well know celebrates you also have the Q Reviews that include an image of Ke$ha. Having a young well know American on the content page compared to the other artist British artist really shows how Q have such a broad range of music in there magazine and that they are not just going for one type of music. Having this means they appeals to loads of different kinds of people, this I would love to use in my magazine as well, so not just have one genre.
The written on the content page is done in little punchy sentence under main titles. The main titles are put into coloured boxes with bold white writing, which all relate to Q house style. All the main titles is something that the readers what to read about; Cover Story, Features and Regulars. They also have a Q review this month of all the albums from that month and also about different artist this is down the side in it own separate column. You can tell this from the content page from just little sentence that just give the key information you need to know for what you are looking for. On my content page I defiantly would look to do something like this because it look really good and, it is quick and easy to see what you want to look at.
The written on the content page is done in little punchy sentence under main titles. The main titles are put into coloured boxes with bold white writing, which all relate to Q house style. All the main titles is something that the readers what to read about; Cover Story, Features and Regulars. They also have a Q review this month of all the albums from that month and also about different artist this is down the side in it own separate column. You can tell this from the content page from just little sentence that just give the key information you need to know for what you are looking for. On my content page I defiantly would look to do something like this because it look really good and, it is quick and easy to see what you want to look at.
Music Genre:
You can tell from looking at the content page that Q amid for a range of different music genre. This is because you have artists like Plan B compared to the artist Ke$ha on the same page and also how they have older singer as well. What I did find on this content page is that they don’t just have artist they have Al Murray that is a comedian and doesn’t have anything to do with music, however this shows that the magazine has diversity with in it.
You can tell from looking at the content page that Q amid for a range of different music genre. This is because you have artists like Plan B compared to the artist Ke$ha on the same page and also how they have older singer as well. What I did find on this content page is that they don’t just have artist they have Al Murray that is a comedian and doesn’t have anything to do with music, however this shows that the magazine has diversity with in it.
The layout of these double pages is neat and very clear, of what is it is. The title goes straight across the page and follows the house style very clearly with it being white. The writing towards the bottom of the page is also done in the house style with the main titles being in the coloured boxes. What I like about the this content page is how everything has it place with the main picture and title being at the top of the page, then the writing across the bottom of the page and then the Q reviews being in it own separately. Having it like this make it very clear and also even though there is a lot on the page it doesn’t look really crammed and busy.
The layout of these double pages is neat and very clear, of what is it is. The title goes straight across the page and follows the house style very clearly with it being white. The writing towards the bottom of the page is also done in the house style with the main titles being in the coloured boxes. What I like about the this content page is how everything has it place with the main picture and title being at the top of the page, then the writing across the bottom of the page and then the Q reviews being in it own separately. Having it like this make it very clear and also even though there is a lot on the page it doesn’t look really crammed and busy.
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